It finally happened. Apple promised to change the way data sharing works within apps and that means you’ve got some work to do if you want to keep your ads on Facebook and Instagram running for your medical practice. 

Apple now requires users to opt-in to data sharing instead of opting-out of it in an effort to protect user privacy. We spoke about this issue at-length in a recent episode, and now we’ve got real world data to break down what happened and how it may be impacting you. 

In this episode of the DrMarketingTips Podcast, Corey and Chad Rouch, Insight Marketing Group’s Digital Marketing Manager, dive deep into what you need to do to keep your ads running and provide context so you can report numbers to stakeholders without issue. 

Tune in to discover:

  • How you can adjust your Facebook ads to ensure they’re still performing
  • What the new data sharing policy looks like and how many users are opting in 
  • Why is this change happening now and what’s next?
  • Real world examples from medical practice’s dealing with the fallout

Free Healthcare Awareness 2024 Calendar

Nearly every month of the year has a health holiday or observance, and there are also a number of awareness months that your patients and staff would love to know about. You also don’t want to miss chances to celebrate with your practice’s followers.

Free Healthcare Awareness 2023 Calendar

Nearly every month of the year has a health holiday or observance, and there are also a number of awareness months that your patients and staff would love to know about. You also don’t want to miss chances to celebrate with your practice’s followers.

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