Need to know how to increase and keep better track of referrals? Ever wonder why some docs give/get more referrals than others?
Depending on your type of practice or specialty, your referral relationships may be the most valuable source for attracting and retaining new patients.
So, what are some easy tips to help you track and grow referrals with less time, less money and less headache? Need to know how to build better physician relations?
Physician Relation Resources to Get You Started
- Create a plan for building new referral relationships
- Reward your referral partners one small gift at a time
- Get your doc out of the office and shaking hands
- Track, track, track your visits and measure ROI
Sign up today for DrMarketingTips and receive our 9-part Internet Marketing Course for Medical Practices packed full of tips for building your practice by strengthening referral physician relations.