Reputation Management Without The Hassle
Enhanced Profile Listings | Review Notifications | Response Posting | Profile Claiming
Physicians Care Network now offers members a cost-effective, turnkey solution to managing, monitoring and protecting your reputation online.
Online reviews and star ratings are becoming increasingly important to patients as they decide whom their next healthcare provider will be.
The fact is, in this age of self-referrals, patients can be won or lost within seconds completely dependent on positive or negative reviews.
The Facts About Online Reviews
92% of buyers regularly check reviews online before making a purchase or service decision.
A 2011 CONE Research survey shows that online reviews have grown in influence so much that consumers would rather believe reviews written by a complete stranger over their friends and family.
One in five Internet users have consulted online reviews and rankings of health care service providers and treatments.
50% of consumers will stop doing business with a company if it takes the company longer than a week to respond to a complaint.
Sources: Pew Internet Research, CONE & Hubspot
Here’s What You Get
Review Notifications
Know when something is said about you on more than 70 of the web’s most popular review sites at a glance. We perform over 1,000 unique searches for your physicians and alert you every day a new review is found.
Profile Claiming
We’ll claim your profiles across the Internet’s most popular review sites like HealthGrades, Vitals and RateMDs so you don’t have to worry about who has control over your listings.
Weekly Reports
Get a weekly “Review Health” report card delivered to your inbox.
Response Posting
When a negative review occurs, we will work with a designated person in your office to create a response and have it posted immediately. Where applicable, we will work to have negative reviews removed altogether.
Enhanced Profile Listings
Profiles are updated with headshots, treatment options, accepted insurances, CV information and more. We also continually monitor your profiles to look for changes in phone numbers, addresses and other relevant contact information.
Best Practices eBook
You’ll receive a copy of our Online Reputation Management eBook outlining the do’s and don’ts when it comes to ORM.
Claimed vs. Unclaimed Profiles at a Glance
The arrows on the profile on the left have been added to illustrate opportunities for patients to contact or learn more about the physician. By default, none of these options appear.
Claimed Profile
Unclaimed Profile
Want to Learn More?
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More About This Service
This service is provided to PCN members through a partnership with Insight Marketing Group and its subsidiary, Dr Marketing Tips.
Insight Marketing Group has been providing full-service healthcare marketing solutions to medical specialty practices since 2006. The boutique marketing firm focuses on developing inbound medical marketing plans and original digital content for practices of all shapes and sizes.
Dr Marketing Tips is an online medical marketing solution center designed to educate medical practice administrators and marketing professionals. The website utilizes articles, webinars, case studies and podcasts to educate visitors on today’s best practices and current trends regardless of their current skill/comfort level with marketing.
Using this service has alerted us whenever one of our doctors has a review online. We’re able to respond immediately to negative reviews and resolve issues quickly. I have nothing but good things to say.
B. Melton, Orthopaedic Practice Marketing Director
Keeping up-to-date on all of the profiles, searching for reviews (and not knowing if I found them all) used to waste hours of my time every month. The Dr Marketing Tips solution has eliminated all of my issues and my headache. Highly recommended!
D. Bryon, Otolaryngology Practice Manager