In our latest episode of the DrMarketingTips Show, learn about the ever-evolving world of SEO for your medical practice, including top trends in SEO and how to navigate the changing landscape to boost your online presence with Google. .
Join our co-host, Corey along with special guest and digital marketing expert, Chad, for this discussion on SEO strategies and best practices that will help you stay ahead of the game, including how to create “experiences” on your website that Google is looking for.
Tune In to Discover:
- The importance of engaging and unique content.
- The impact of AI-generated content on SEO.
- The need for fact-checking AI-generated content.
- The value of targeting your audience, not just traffic.
- Using video to enhance your content and engage your audience effectively.
- The shift from trying to trick the system to following best practices.
Enhance your website’s SEO, develop a better content strategy, and improve your online visibility with the latest insights and tips from our healthcare marketing experts.
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