It can seem as though every few months there is a new wave of private practices being acquired by larger healthcare organizations like hospitals–which can be incredibly daunting for the small independent practice treading water to survive. Where will your referrals come from when a hospital network becomes the one calling the shots? How long will you be able to compete before you are also absorbed by a bigger fish?
The truth is, maybe this shift isn’t necessarily a bad thing for the independent practice. In this episode of the DrMarketingTips Show, hosts Jennifer and Corey weigh the various nuances in the debate of hospital and private equity acquisition.
Tune in to discover:
- How various practices across the country have found success, some by joining larger organizations, and some breaking away from them and returning to the independent sector
- Tips and tricks for protecting yourself from the effects of acquisition around you, such as building a list of your own patient leads rather than relying on referrals from a particular source
- What the future could look like: Will private equity stick around in healthcare for the long term? Is hospital control inevitable? What can practices do now while looking ahead?
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