What’s Working Webinar Series

Hear What’s Working from Peers

Wednesday, August 5 | 12:00 p.m. EST

FYI, this is one of the benefits for DrMarketingTips Lab members, so if you accept the seat, please be sure to attend because you’re taking a seat that someone else isn’t getting. 

It will take an hour or less and you can bring your lunch. It’ll be informal but very informative. 

P.S. This is a Zoom call, so you will be on camera! 

During this free coaching call:

  • We’ll share strategies and tactics working to market practices today

  • You’ll hear what fellow practice managers are doing and how they’re overcoming challenges in a roundtable discussion format

  • Our team will answer any questions you may have about marketing

  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

What’s Working Webinar Series

Hear What’s Working from Peers

Wednesday, August 5 | 12:00 p.m. EST

FYI, this is one of the benefits for DrMarketingTips Lab members, so if you accept the seat, please be sure to attend because you’re taking a seat that someone else isn’t getting. 

It will take an hour or less and you can bring your lunch. It’ll be informal but very informative. 

P.S. This is a Zoom call, so you will be on camera! 

During this free coaching call:

  • We’ll share strategies and tactics working to market practices today

  • You’ll hear what fellow practice managers are doing and how they’re overcoming challenges in a roundtable discussion format

  • Our team will answer any questions you may have about marketing

  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.