What are some of the hottest topics around the Dr Marketing Tips office this week?
Take a look at the list below to see what we’re reading about right now; and leave a comment to let us know what you think medical practice administrators should be most concerned with.
Note: these links will take you away from the Dr Marketing Tips website.
- 10 Most In-Demand Career Specialties In Health Care
- What Have we Lost with the Progress of Medical Training?
- Why the Modern World is Bad for Your Brain
- Why the Uber of Healthcare is Here to Stay
- Facebook and Twitter’s Native Video Plans Are About to Transform Content Marketing in a Big Way
- Budget Office Slashes Estimated Cost of Health Coverage
- Blackbeard’s Ship Yields Booty of Medical Supplies
- Health Care Enrollment Appears to Be Near Goal
- Five Ways Social Media Increases Company Values
- What Doctors Make
- 6 Social Media Practices That Boost SEO