Ashley_Madison_logoAshley Madison, the popular dating website that helps married people cheat, was recently hacked. Data from the service’s 37 million members has been publicly posted for the world to uncover. Regardless of your stance on what Ashley Madison helps users accomplish, there are several key things we can learn from the latest large scale data breach relating to your medical practice (yes, yours).

The fact is, anything said on social media – even privately – is liable to get out with potentially serious consequences for your reputation. And with 79 percent of consumers placing equal weight on both online reviews and personal recommendations, according to BrightLocal, your reputation online is more important than ever.

Speaking of what’s said online, do you check out potential employees social media profiles before you hire them? We know from experience many HR managers in healthcare practices say, “I don’t understand Facebook so I’m not going to bother.”

According to a recent survey by CareerBuilder, 43 percent of employers say they have found something that made them move on from a candidate because of what they found on social media. Ever wonder what you are missing?

Tune In to Discover:

  • What you can do to protect your reputation online
  • How Ashley Madison can teach us all to think twice about what we say on the Internet
  • Whose social media accounts you should be checking and when
  • What a social media policy can do to protect your business and filter job candidates

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