So many patients coming through the doors, but there’s still no budget to market the practice.
Sound familiar?
Finding tactics that work for driving more patients can be tough, especially when there’s no money allocated for marketing. It’s up to you to find unique, cost-effective methods for filling empty appointment slots and for generating referrals on a shoestring budget. Looking for ideas? Have a listen to find out how one practice generates plenty of marketing results within breaking the bank.
In this episode we’re joined by Kyle Williams, jack-of-all-trades, including marketing outreach, for Advanced Orthopaedic Centers.
Tune In to Discover:
- How to establish community relationships that turn on the referral faucet
- Strategies used to get big marketing payoffs without spending a lot
- Grassroots marketing ideas you can start using immediately
- Ways to develop your ‘community mindset’ to drive referrals and create brand enthusiasts
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