
According to a recent Facebook Demographics report, more than 3 million teens have left the social network in the past three years making room for all the baby boomers to take over.

In fact, Facebook added 10.8 million adults ages 25-34 and 16.4 million new users ages 35-54 (that’s a 41.4% increase) in this timeframe. Adults over the age of 55 grew 80.4%, or 12.4 million new users.

What do Changing Facebook Demographics Have to Do With Your Medical Practice?

Well, for one – this growth (i.e., baby boomers and household decision makers) area is the target demographic for most medical practices. And these numbers point to proof of improved computer literacy amongst older adults and the value they now place on staying current with newer technologies (meaning patient portal adoption should become easier as time goes on).

Chances are, here’s what older adults are looking for online about your practice:

  • Information about the physician
  • Directions and telephone numbers
  • New patient forms
  • Hours of operation
  • Appointment request forms
  • What other people are saying about your practice and your doctors

Now that we know (not just think …but actually know) that your patients are using Facebook, it’s time to develop a comprehensive social media strategy that works to enhance your customer service, patient satisfaction and overall marketing efforts.

