The healthcare industry has been facing a critical staffing shortage. A report by the Association of American Medical Colleges projects a shortfall of up to 124,000 physicians by 2034, including tens of thousands of primary care doctors and specialists. Nurses face a similar crisis, with a projected shortage of over 350,000 registered nurses by 2026.
For medical practices, this translates to fierce competition for top talent. Traditional methods of attracting new hires just aren’t enough. This episode of the DrMarketingTips Show tackles this problem head-on, exploring how marketing can be a powerful tool in your HR toolbox.
Learn how to craft compelling job descriptions that resonate with ideal candidates, discover strategies to recruit the top talent you need, and reconnect with past applicants to see if they’re now interested in accepting a new role. This episode also explores creative ways to leverage social media to showcase your company culture.
By working together, marketing and HR can build a recruitment strategy that positions your practice as the go-to destination for top talent in this competitive market.
Tune Into This Episode to Learn:
- How to write job descriptions that resonate with ideal candidates.
- Follow-up with potential hires after events, keeping your practice top-of-mind.
- Find out how to reconnect with qualified candidates who may now be a good fit for open positions.
- Ways to incentivize your existing team to help find new talent. (Hint: it helps them, too!)
- Explore how to leverage social media to celebrate your company culture and attract potential hires.
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