Consumers in any industry notoriously dislike surprises. For many of them, the price they will be required to pay for their goods and services is a key factor when choosing where to buy, and if they are caught off guard by hidden expenses, it’s sure to leave a sour taste in their mouths.
The healthcare sector is not exempt from the expectation that prices will be available for patients to see ahead of their treatment. This is especially true given the Health Plan Price Transparency Act of 2022, which now requires providers and insurers to make files publicly available that disclose in-network and out-of-network rates.
In this episode of the DrMarketingTips Show, hosts Jennifer and Corey discuss this new rule and how price transparency is actually a good thing for private practices because of the platform it provides to communicate clearly to your perfect prospective patient before they even walk through the door: “Here is what we offer, here is how much it will cost, and here is why is costs that.” This level of transparency is not just a rule to follow–it’s also a boon for your practice to stand out from the crowd.
Tune in to hear:
- How to position yourself as the best provider in your area by being transparent, even when you aren’t able to offer the lowest prices
- Why price transparency allows you to be the conversation-driver and set the narrative
- How to mobilize your local networks, from news to social media, and be the first to raise awareness about the need for price transparency in your specialty
- Ways to use this as an opportunity to reach new markets and audiences who may not be questioning how much they have paid for their care in the past
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