In this episode of the DrMarketingTips podcast, Keith Landry, host of our sister show, Growing a Successful Orthopedic Practice Podcast, sits down with Congressman Darren Soto, U.S. Representative of Florida’s 9th Congressional District, for a Capitol Hill update on the future of federal regulation of telehealth visits in America.
U.S. Rep. Soto expects Congress to extend an existing emergency waiver which reimburses physicians who offer telehealth visits to Medicare patients. Congressman Soto says federal changes to regulation of telehealth visits could take months or a few years.
Tune in to discover:
- Why there is bipartisan support to extend the Medicare reimbursements waiver
- Congress is considering what parts of the waiver should become permanent
- Lawmakers are analyzing if telehealth visits save money for the Medicare system
- Congress continues to debate if some reimbursement rates will be reduced
About U.S. Representative Darren Soto
U.S. Representative Darren Soto serves Florida’s 9th Congressional District. Congressman Soto is in his 3rd term in Congress, representing residents of Osceola County, and parts of Orange and Polk Counties. He is the first Floridian of Puerto Rican descent to serve in Congress, and he serves on the Energy and Commerce Committee, which has jurisdiction over Medicare administration.
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