In this week’s episode of the DrMarketingTips podcast, Corey is joined by Jarod Spiewak, Lead Strategist at Blue Dog Media, to offer listeners a search engine optimization (SEO) crash course. Whether you consider yourself computer illiterate or an advanced SEO specialist, this episode has something for every medical practice with a website, regardless of skill level.
Tune in to discover:
- What new trends and changes in Google’s search algorithm mean for your website
- Should you really be paying attention to voice search?
- How to improve SEO with one hour per week or less
- A detailed walkthrough on how to perform keyword research
About Jarod Spiewak
Jarod Spiewak is an entrepreneur, marketer, podcaster, and website investor who specializes in helping businesses make more money through SEO and Google Ads PPC.
As founder and lead strategist of Blue Dog Media, a boutique marketing agency that helps service-based businesses make more money, Jarod has scaled the agency through the use of systems, automation, education, custom strategies, and a mindset of continuous improvement.
He got his start in the world of online marketing and business at the age of 14. This lead Jarod down a path of content writing, being a corporate marketing employee, freelancing, agency employee, and eventually a full-time business owner.
Over the past 8-years, Jarod has helped businesses generate tens of millions of dollars in revenue with deep technical and marketing knowledge being applied as a practical and scalable solution.
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