Nothing provides a better understanding and leads to better decision making than changing your perspective. The current climate we’re living through exemplifies how important seeing things from other perspectives is to being a better leader, manager, friend, and person in-general.
In this week’s episode of the DrMarketingTips Podcast, we’re joined by leadership training coach Alicia Culp for an in-depth discussion between three generations of workers.
Tune in to discover:
- How Generation X, Millennials and Generation Z are managing through the turmoil of COVID, civil unrest and social isolation
- How you can be a better leader by gaining the perspective of the different generations in the workforce
About Alicia Culp
As the founder of Alicia Culp Coaching, Alicia is a Certified Professional Coach (certified through the Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching), an Energy Leadership practitioner, and a member of the International Coaching Federation – Central Florida Chapter. Her areas of expertise include strengths-based development for leaders and their staff, leadership transitions coaching, and values-based goal setting.
By drawing on previous experience of having been the EVP and COO of an Orlando based company, AXIS Data Solutions, with 100+ employees and clients throughout the United States, she supports leaders and their staff navigate the opportunities and challenges of growing a successful business. Alicia has a passion for helping others identify their greatness so they can apply those talents to meet the goals for the future.
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