Just like buying a boat, the two best days of building a business are the day you start it and the day you sell it. Every business owner, physicians included, dream of the day when all your hard work finally pays off in a successful exit.
In this week’s episode of the DrMarketingTips Podcast, Jennifer sits down with Dr. Justin Trosclair to discuss how he bought, built, and sold his medical practice – and how you can, too.
Tune in to discover:
- What Dr. Trosclair wishes his current self would have told his young self when building his practice
- How he turned a negative cash flow business into a thriving and sellable practice
- Tips for building relationships that drive revenue
- How he retooled his knowledge and experience into a second career that allows him to travel the world and keep his love for medicine strong
About Justin Trosclair, DC
Dr. Justin Trosclair D.C. has been creating a difference in people’s lives since 2007. He spent seven years in private practice in Denver, CO, and five years in Yunnan Province China working as a foreign expert chiropractor in a hospital setting. He currently lives in Cologne, Germany, at the Intellispine am Neumarkt clinic delivering manual therapy and acupuncture. He is host of A Doctor’s Perspective Podcast, with more than 200 episodes under his belt, and has authored a health-focused book that reached #1 on Amazon.
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