website content podcastYou wouldn’t want anyone but a certified PA helping you or your doctors in the operating room, right? Ditto for your dental work –– you wouldn’t trust your mouth to just any quack with a mirror and a drill (at least we hope so!).

So why would you trust the content of your website to anybody less than a writing expert? Someone with years of practice creating engaging, dynamic content tailored explicitly for healthcare consumers.

More and more we hear from the medical practices we work with, that a patient testimonial article (and video) tipped the scales for undecided patients on specific surgeries and procedures.

This week, Insight Marketing Group Editorial Director Lawrence Lefcort joins us to share his insights on why content matters to the success of your practice, the kinds of content that will generate a buzz, and strategies you can employ to plan and maximize your content editorial calendar.

Tune in to Discover:

  • The importance of having top-quality content to drive traffic to your website
  • How to create and plan an editorial calendar
  • What kind of content you should create
  • The elements of top-notch content and how to write it
  • Online resources to help you enhance your writing

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