We all set personal goals for the new year (lose weight, spend more time with family) but for most of us, by March (or often sooner), these goals become a thing of the past. The same applies to the objectives you set for your growing your medical practice marketing goals.  

If you want 2018 to be the year you attract and retain more patients, add more doctors, take a bite out of competition, then you need to set goals that are:

  • Highly measurable so you can adapt based on ROI
  • Have KPI (key performance indicators) that get revisited on a weekly, monthly, and quarterly basis and are tied to something that matters
  • Include a budget to help you achieve your goals (instead of just talking about them)

In this episode, we break down 3 easy methods for establishing and achieving your marketing goals for 2018 right now and the tools you need to help you get there.

Check Out Our Blog About Ways to Set Marketing Goals in 2018

Tune in to Discover:

  • The importance of setting highly quantifiable goals and how to do it
  • Tactics you can use and track to help you hit your targets
  • Tools to help you determine the optimal budget for achieving your goals
  • What an effective marketing strategy would look like (based on a real-world independent practice example)

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