About Jennifer Thompson

Jennifer is co-founder and chief strategist for Dr Marketing Tips, a website designed to help medical marketing professionals market their practice better. She has owned her own medical marketing firm since 2006. She's a serial entrepreneur who wakes up every day at 4am ready to change the world. When it's time to recharge, Jennifer enjoys being on the water and dreaming up her next big idea.

The Customer is Always Right, Still


Let’s just come right out and say it: customer service is as integral to your practice as your medical degree is. That’s right. Before you cry blasphemy, think about your office’s most vital assets

The Customer is Always Right, Still2018-03-06T21:43:31+00:00

Tips for Moving Up on Google


Again, the best strategy is to have a strategy when trying to move up to the front page of Google.  You don’t want to just start creating randomly and hope for the best. Ideally your

Tips for Moving Up on Google2018-02-27T04:04:35+00:00

Pay Attention to Physician Rating Websites


Watch Out For Videos About Your Practice and Physicians on Vitals It seems that everyday there is a new website out there offering patient evaluations about their experience at your office.  A while back we noticed that

Pay Attention to Physician Rating Websites2018-02-27T04:18:22+00:00